Tuesday 2 July 2013

Update on life

So I've starting taking online classes to get my creative writing diploma, I'm 3 credits away from getting my high school diploma; that is if I pass the test for the current course that I'm taking, I'm thinking about going to college and becoming a law clerk but I'm still not sure yet if I want to go for that yet or not. I would much rather do something with teaching but the cousin says not to do this because its hard to get into the school board.

I met with the case worker that I was assigned when I applied for Ontario Works recently and he made me feel so small, like I was in the principal's office. He told me that I'm going to have to continue paying for the courses that I'm taking because they don't see it as a legit thing; or something along those lines. He also told me that because I'm doing something, he doesn't care because he doesn't have to motivate me. The aunt thinks that its stupid that I'm continuing on with my creative writing diploma but like I told her, I already put out money and started doing the work, so why would I want to stop now?

I've got everything figured out; finance wise, so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing no matter what any one says. I'm doing things that make me happy so I'm going to continue doing the classes that I'm doing and screw everyone else.

This past Sunday, the aunt, uncle, godparents, cousins and I went to the beach and spent the day there, we had a picnic and it was a good time. Got a lot of swimming in, though I do wish that the weather had been warmer. In August we are going away for a week to a cottage and somehow I got roped into sleeping outside in a tent, I don't know how all that came about but whatever, I'll sleep out there,. Least I don't have to worry bout them bickering. I just hope that Amy has the cell that I bought from her cleaned off of her stuff so that I can talk with Christine while I'm in the tent alone.

I still miss mom; that's never going to go away its still weird for me being here, I mean who would have thought that I would be spending this much time with them? We seem to be getting along but of course that all can change in an instant. There doesn't seem to be that many fights between the uncle and I or the aunt and I though I still get blamed for things that I didn't do or did wrong some times but I just shrug that off and tell them to fuck off in my mind.

So that's what's been going on with me recently, nothing too exciting just homework, reading and watching movies/TV and going on on Fri afternoons and Saturday mornings. No job yet but that's ok, I want to be able to put all my attention to my homework. I can't wait to display my hs diploma on my wall and my cw one. I'll be painting my room sometime this month when the aunt and uncle go on the little anniversary getaway for 2 days; I'll be pretty much home alone in the mornings seeing as how the cousin will be at work but that's ok. I won't mind.

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