Friday 21 December 2012

So I've heard from the Publishing House

So just a few minutes ago I heard from my friend Laura's publishing house, this is what they said in the email to me:

Thank you for submitting your manuscript, A Year in the life of Lizzy Teller. While we truly appreciate the care and attention that has gone into the preparation of your submission, regrettably the feeling is that your story and characters are not sufficiently developed for publication.

Here are our top tips to bear in mind for your next submission:

1. Ensure that your story and conflict are character-driven.

2. Focus on the internal emotional conflict of your characters

3. Use secondary characters to add richness and depth to your central romance but don’t let them take over! 

So... yeah so... um I don't even know what to say, I've always thought that my characters were well written but clearly they aren't. I worked so hard on this novel and now I'm being shut down, I know that I should try other publishing houses, but I don't want to be shot down again. I feel like crying. 

I don't even see a bright side to this, sure my book is currently on for people to buy (haven't told anyone mind you) but that only happened because I wanted to give a couple of my friends a special Christmas gift (even if it is late) of the first edition of the novel. Mom and my friend Sabrina are the only ones that they shot me down. I wonder what I'm going to say to Laura when I talk to her, I'll most likely just play off that I'm not hurt by this decision, I know that its not only her decision, for all I know she may not even had seen it. 

So what now? I so don't know, do know that I need to let my 'friends' know because I promised everyone, I just hope that Laura doesn't start on me seeing as how its her publishing house, would hate to lose her as a friend. 

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