Monday 27 February 2012


So another contest has come to an end to which on of my stories was enter. I was nominated for A Thousand Years in the Best Jasper category and did I win? No of course not, I never win. I don't know why I keep being entered or enter myself because I never win, I either come in second, third or I don't even place at all. Why do I keep entering these things is a fucking mystery to me. The only times that I do win (if you can even call it a win) is when I'm the only one that entered the fucking contest. I entered this contest where it dealt with the friendships or family bonds. I was the only one to enter and did the people that ran the thing even have decency to even give me a banner for entering or even mention me as being the winner? Nope they just let it pass. Sure what I wrote wasn't a long story but I still wrote something for them and nothing not even a fuck you from them. GAH am I that bad of a writer? I'm entered in another contest (not by choice) on a friend's award thingy for best beta and once again I won't win, I don't know why she even wants to keep me there when she knows no one will pick me. If I ever win something where there are more then me in the contest it will be a fucking miracle or a computer glitch. I've got a story in pic a pic contest that I probably won't win, why did I enter? I got inspiration from the pic. I'm also writing a story with two of my best friends and I hope that we win but I'm not keeping my hopes up. Plus also I'm entering the Age of Jasper contest, though I don't know why because I'm having trouble with the story. Lucky I have until April 15 to get it all figured out. The same friend that is running the award thingy came and complained to me how she never wins and she is no longer entering things because no one votes for her, yet she insists to keep entering me, why? I don't bloody well have a clue. Oh well I've grown not to give a fuck anymore (or at least I tell myself that) either way its all whatever.

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