So I saw a fellow author of mine (still boggles the mind, me an author) had posted a pic of her winning certificate, I mention that I didn't have mine yet and thankfully Lissa was able to tell me how I go about getting my certificate saying that I have reached the goal of 50,000 words and that I'm a winner.
Here is the certificate
Also I've sent an quarry letter, synopsis and the first 3 chapters to a publishing house. I won't know anything till sometime in January. Till then I'll either panic that the book won't be made or forget about till I see an email from the publishing house.
Everything from my stories both fan fiction and original, as well as pics, songs, rants and whatever else comes to mind that I want to post about.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Novels done, now what?
So I finished my novel last night, took an almost hour to copy and past all 14 chapters into one word doc, I then submitted it to the NaNo website; it said I was 3 words over but word said I was right on target, anyways nothing happened, no congrats from the website, no telling me what's to come now. I don't know if I need to reupload it or not.
After I get it validated, I'll be contacting Laura to see exactly how I go about sending my story to her to see if its good enough to become an actual book. If they don't think its good enough, I may try another publishing house because I know that there is a lot of people that want to read this book.
I really hope that this can become an actual book. I would mean the world to me if I can actually do something exciting with my life, I mean to walk into a library or bookstore and see my book on the shelves, see people reading it, would be amazing.
I got my first request for an autographed novel from one of my friends last night, I know I'll have to sign a lot of others; if it becomes a book, I plan on sending one to all of the girls who's names that I used in the novel. I guess time will tell what's going to happen next.
After I get it validated, I'll be contacting Laura to see exactly how I go about sending my story to her to see if its good enough to become an actual book. If they don't think its good enough, I may try another publishing house because I know that there is a lot of people that want to read this book.
I really hope that this can become an actual book. I would mean the world to me if I can actually do something exciting with my life, I mean to walk into a library or bookstore and see my book on the shelves, see people reading it, would be amazing.
I got my first request for an autographed novel from one of my friends last night, I know I'll have to sign a lot of others; if it becomes a book, I plan on sending one to all of the girls who's names that I used in the novel. I guess time will tell what's going to happen next.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Yep you read that right, I've finished my first draft of the novel and a couple of days sooner than I thought thank you very much. Strangely I don't feel anything, sure I proud but I don't feel relief at having it done, sadness, happiness nothing. Not a single fucking thing, I'm just empty a big fat void.
People say that I'll feel something tomorrow when I go to work on it but I don't know, I thought that I would feel something with all the congrats that are coming in but nope still void *shrugs* I don't know what it means.
I got to get the story validated now the only problem is I'm 63 words over and I don't know where to cut it off. Its annoying really, one minute I'm 60 words under and now I'm 63 over and I hardly added anything on, just two lines that so didn't add up to 63;I don't think.
Once its validated, I'll have to talk to my friend Laura to see how I go about sending her the first draft to see if its good enough to be turned into a novel;probably not though at the rate I'm going. Anyways its done and I can say that I accomplish one goal in my life so far; that of having a novel written by the time I'm 30.
People say that I'll feel something tomorrow when I go to work on it but I don't know, I thought that I would feel something with all the congrats that are coming in but nope still void *shrugs* I don't know what it means.
I got to get the story validated now the only problem is I'm 63 words over and I don't know where to cut it off. Its annoying really, one minute I'm 60 words under and now I'm 63 over and I hardly added anything on, just two lines that so didn't add up to 63;I don't think.
Once its validated, I'll have to talk to my friend Laura to see how I go about sending her the first draft to see if its good enough to be turned into a novel;probably not though at the rate I'm going. Anyways its done and I can say that I accomplish one goal in my life so far; that of having a novel written by the time I'm 30.
NaNoWriMo-Day 23
As of yesterday these were my totals:
NaNo Total for today: 2,935
Words remaining: 2,093
Days remaining: 7
Grand total of words: 47,907
NaNo Total for today: 2,935
Words remaining: 2,093
Days remaining: 7
Grand total of words: 47,907
I still haven't got Nov to crack 2,000 words but I think the way that I'm going to fix that is have Jackson and Lizzy go on a date, they haven't been on one since he's was turned so I think it will be great. I'm so freaking close and I can't wait to finally hit that 50,000 word total.
Friday, 23 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 22
So as of yesterday, these are my totals:
NaNo Total for today: 1,631
Words remaining: 5,028
Days left: 8
According to website, I'll finish on: November 24
Grand total so far: 44,972
NaNo Total for today: 1,631
Words remaining: 5,028
Days left: 8
According to website, I'll finish on: November 24
Grand total so far: 44,972
So I've got November figured out and I just need to finish that and then stretch out some of my other chapters and I should be at 50,000 words. Holy fuck its still mind boggling that in a couple of days I'll have my first ever novel written; sure its only a first draft, but its mine and its written. GAH I can't wait to see what happens next.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 21
As of yesterday, these were my totals:
NaNo total for today: 1,592
Words remaining: 6,659
Days left: 10
Chapters left to write:1 (and I don't know what to do with it)
Grand total of words: 43,341
NaNo total for today: 1,592
Words remaining: 6,659
Days left: 10
Chapters left to write:1 (and I don't know what to do with it)
Grand total of words: 43,341
So I finished Christmas yesterday and when I went to work on the honeymoon I realized that I was only going to be doing an overview of where Lizzy and Jackson went and that I couldn't even get a full chapter out of it. So I had to add the overview of the honeymoon to Oct (the bachelor/Bachelorette parties and wedding)
I was then left with trying to figure out what to do with Nov, I couldn't think of anything last night but it finally came to me while I was drifting off to sleep. Nov will be Lizzy and Jackson heading back to Texas because Jackson needs to meet with the pack and Peter Sr is going to step down as alpha and promote Peter Jr to alpha, I originally had that idea tossing around in my head but I was undecided on if it will be Peter or Jackson that takes over the pack.
I finally came to the decision to let Peter do it and have Lizzy and Jackson travel the world as nomads, coming home once in awhile to spend time with the family. Once I get that written out and I see how many words I cranked out in that chapter, I'll most likely have to go back and stretch out some shorter chapters, to reach the word count. I'm confident or semi- confident that I'll reach that goal in enough time.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 20
As of yesterday, these were my totals:
NaNo total for today: 1,131
Words left to write: 8,251
Days remaining: 11
Chapters left to write out: 1 1/2
NaNo total for today: 1,131
Words left to write: 8,251
Days remaining: 11
Chapters left to write out: 1 1/2
So I've got the first have of December written, where we met a new character, I've decided that Ian should finally find his mate and so I wrote that in. Her name's Amanda and she's been a vamp for 100 years. He met her when him and the rest of the family; minus Lizzy and Jackson, went to London to get the castle ready for Christmas.
I've got Jackson and Lizzy's gifts already picked out; thanks to mom, Lizzy is giving Jackson a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 and Jackson is giving Lizzy a pink cameo white lace choker. I think its great for a first gift. Today I hope to finish Christmas and tomorrow I can finish working on November.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 19
As of yesterday these were my totals:
NaNo Total for today: 1,851
Words left to write: 9,382
Days left: 11
Chapters left: 2
NaNo Total for today: 1,851
Words left to write: 9,382
Days left: 11
Chapters left: 2
I finished the Epi yesterday and now all I have to do is write Dec and Nov. If I get each of those chapters to 4,000 words then I'll just go back and extend either April or August. Time will tell which I extend. So exciting, can't believe that I'm so far in such a short time. The weird thing is, I'm the only one out of my writing buddies to hit 40,000+ words so far and its even weirder because some of them already have books out.
I thought I be so far behind shouting, "Don't leave me." to my friends but I'm the one that is ahead of them, I'm so freaking blowing away by that its not even funny.
Monday, 19 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 18
Here of my totals as of yesterday:
NaNo total for today: 2,154
Words left to write: 11,233
Days left: 12
Chapters left to write: 2 1/2
NaNo total for today: 2,154
Words left to write: 11,233
Days left: 12
Chapters left to write: 2 1/2
I started to work on the Epi last night; one thing that I'm so looking forward to, I really hope that people like how I'm winding up the story.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 17
As of yesterday these were my totals:
NaNo Total for today: 3,979
Words left to write: 13,387
Days left for NaNo: 14
Chapters left to write: 3
NaNo Total for today: 3,979
Words left to write: 13,387
Days left for NaNo: 14
Chapters left to write: 3
Getting so close to the finish line and at this rate I'll be done way before Nov 30th which is exciting. I think I'm going to start writing Dec and the Epi first and then go back and write the honeymoon because I'm so excited to get to those last 2 chapters. Need to think of some awesome gifts to get everyone for Christmas.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 16
So now that we are getting closer to the finish line, I'll be showing not only how much I logged in but also how many words left to go; been doing this on FB for awhile now.
So as of yesterday, these were my totals:
NaNo total for today: 1,757
Words remaining: 15,609
Day left: 14
So as of yesterday, these were my totals:
NaNo total for today: 1,757
Words remaining: 15,609
Day left: 14
As of right now, I'm almost done the wedding; just getting to the naughty part ;) and then I'll be starting on the honeymoon in November.
Friday, 16 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 15
Yesterday's total:2,906 words. Yay getting so close and I have a strong feeling that I am going to complete it seeing as how the chapters I'm working on are things that I love writing about plus also I'm really excited to work on the epi. There are 15 days left and I've got another 17,000+ words to write.
No strange or odd dreams last night; which is good, I can't even remember what I dreamed bout last night.
No strange or odd dreams last night; which is good, I can't even remember what I dreamed bout last night.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 14
So yesterday was a great writing day for me. I logged in 2,656 words (give or take, can't remember) I've finally got to the stuff that I can't wait to write, which is the proposal and soon I'll be starting the wedding. I had an idea last night while I was trying to fall asleep for the Epilogue and I think I'm going to run with it. So don't want to give it away, so people are going to have to wait and find out what's up my sleeve. Of course no one reads this blog so even if I do say what's the idea, no one will know.
I've decided that I'm going to bring Joesph back into the picture. My idea is that he was turned into a vampire. He doesn't know that Lizzy is a vampire as well and one day when he runs into her, he thinks that he's dreaming. He is in no way going to try and steal Lizzy from Jackson; because he has a mate, he just wants to reconnect with her after all these years mourning her death. Not only did he lost his future bride and mother to his unborn children, but he also lost his best friend, so I think that this will be great way to tie the book up.
So I had another weird dream last night. This time I was sitting in between Matthew Grey Gubler and Kellan Lutz and we were watching people's audition tapes because my book was going to be turned into a movie. I guess that MGG was going to be the director, I just don't know what Kellan was doing there but hey I ain't complaining ;)
I guess that's what I get for watching CM and Kellan interview on a late night talk show before going to bed LOL
I've decided that I'm going to bring Joesph back into the picture. My idea is that he was turned into a vampire. He doesn't know that Lizzy is a vampire as well and one day when he runs into her, he thinks that he's dreaming. He is in no way going to try and steal Lizzy from Jackson; because he has a mate, he just wants to reconnect with her after all these years mourning her death. Not only did he lost his future bride and mother to his unborn children, but he also lost his best friend, so I think that this will be great way to tie the book up.
So I had another weird dream last night. This time I was sitting in between Matthew Grey Gubler and Kellan Lutz and we were watching people's audition tapes because my book was going to be turned into a movie. I guess that MGG was going to be the director, I just don't know what Kellan was doing there but hey I ain't complaining ;)
I guess that's what I get for watching CM and Kellan interview on a late night talk show before going to bed LOL
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 13
So yesterday I logged in over 1,500 words. I figured out how I wanted to end July and how I want to go about writing August. I don't think that Aug will be all that long but that's ok because one of my other chapters is not that long either. I can't wait to start writing Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec, I've got those all planned out and they just need to be written.
So I've been having some odd dreams lately and I don't know if I should believe them or if I'm just hoping for something that won't amount to anything. The night before, I dreamed that I was on Ellen's talk show, she was interviewing me because my book was flying up the charts and there was talk about turning it into a movie. Then last night, I dreamed that I was at a book launch party for my book. The people in attendance were some of my friends as well as some of my fav celebs. They were all loving my book, complimenting me on writing it and wanting to know when my next book would be coming out and what it will be about.
I don't know if I should believe that those dreams are going to come true or chalk them up to being nothing more then my over worked brain. I've said it some many times now that its starting to lost its meaning, but I guess time will tell if those dreams come true or not.
So I've been having some odd dreams lately and I don't know if I should believe them or if I'm just hoping for something that won't amount to anything. The night before, I dreamed that I was on Ellen's talk show, she was interviewing me because my book was flying up the charts and there was talk about turning it into a movie. Then last night, I dreamed that I was at a book launch party for my book. The people in attendance were some of my friends as well as some of my fav celebs. They were all loving my book, complimenting me on writing it and wanting to know when my next book would be coming out and what it will be about.
I don't know if I should believe that those dreams are going to come true or chalk them up to being nothing more then my over worked brain. I've said it some many times now that its starting to lost its meaning, but I guess time will tell if those dreams come true or not.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 12
So yesterday, I didn't really have a good writing day, 1,556 words but I have an excuse... I was watching the LA black carpet premier for Breaking Dawn Part 2. Its sad to know that the movies are almost over. My friend got to see it last night because she was at the premier but she won't tell me if any of the Cullens dies *pouts* but I guess I can't be to hard on her seeing as how she got me, Stephenie Meyer, Jackson Rathbone and Tinsle Korey's autographs. So exciting.
Anyways, I now have to figure out how I'm going to end July I had originally planned on have all of August them finding out what Jackson is a hybrid but July seems so empty so I'll have to add the hybrid part to July, think up something new for Aug. I was originally gonna have Lizzy and Jackson get jobs in Sept but I've since changed my mind to have Sept Jackson's wedding proposal and then Oct the Halloween wedding. I can't wait to write that bit. If I get stuck on Aug I might just write Sept and Oct then go back and work on Aug.
These remaining 18 days should be interesting to see what comes out of them.
Anyways, I now have to figure out how I'm going to end July I had originally planned on have all of August them finding out what Jackson is a hybrid but July seems so empty so I'll have to add the hybrid part to July, think up something new for Aug. I was originally gonna have Lizzy and Jackson get jobs in Sept but I've since changed my mind to have Sept Jackson's wedding proposal and then Oct the Halloween wedding. I can't wait to write that bit. If I get stuck on Aug I might just write Sept and Oct then go back and work on Aug.
These remaining 18 days should be interesting to see what comes out of them.
Monday, 12 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 11
For some reason, I never do very well on the weekends when it comes to writing. I don't know what it is, but on the weekends I hardly pass 1,000+ words but during the week I usually do. I logged in only 1,200+ words yesterday (can't remember the exact number).
There are 20 days left and I still need to write another 26,183 words left to write. I was telling my friend Erin last night that the 20 days feels like some big ass monster that's standing in my way and won't let me pass so that once this month is over, I won't have made the 50,000 words. She's great, she told me to kick it in the balls, spring over top of him and give him the middle finger as I cross that finish line. She told me to keep believing in myself because I'm half way there and I can make it. She then helped me get my mind off of the terror of the 20 days by joking about who we would get to star in the movie of our books.
I can't thank my friends and mom enough for all their faith in me during this time. I know that if this does get publish, I'll have a lot of people to thank in my dedication page; just hope I don't forget anyone LOL.
There are 20 days left and I still need to write another 26,183 words left to write. I was telling my friend Erin last night that the 20 days feels like some big ass monster that's standing in my way and won't let me pass so that once this month is over, I won't have made the 50,000 words. She's great, she told me to kick it in the balls, spring over top of him and give him the middle finger as I cross that finish line. She told me to keep believing in myself because I'm half way there and I can make it. She then helped me get my mind off of the terror of the 20 days by joking about who we would get to star in the movie of our books.
I can't thank my friends and mom enough for all their faith in me during this time. I know that if this does get publish, I'll have a lot of people to thank in my dedication page; just hope I don't forget anyone LOL.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 10
So yesterday, I logged in 1,799 words. Slowly getting closer to the end of the mark and its exciting. I'm so glad that I'll be able to keep the promise to myself to have a novel written by the time I'm 30. I have an album on fb of who I see as characters from my book and seeing as how some of the characters are named after my best friends, I tagged them in the pics and they are always so excited about finding out that their name will be in my story.
The people that I've used their names are the ones that I'm really close to, even though I've never met any of them... yet, I still feel really close to them and this is my way to honor them. I think out of all my writing buddies on NaNo, I'm the only one at 20,000+ words so far and I'm amazed by that seeing as how at least 2 of them; that I know of, has books already written and published. I blows me away that I'm so far ahead and they aren't, yet they are the professionals. MIND BOGGLED
The people that I've used their names are the ones that I'm really close to, even though I've never met any of them... yet, I still feel really close to them and this is my way to honor them. I think out of all my writing buddies on NaNo, I'm the only one at 20,000+ words so far and I'm amazed by that seeing as how at least 2 of them; that I know of, has books already written and published. I blows me away that I'm so far ahead and they aren't, yet they are the professionals. MIND BOGGLED
Saturday, 10 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 9
So yesterday I finally gave my story to someone else to look at. I was talking with my friend Sabrina last night and she was asking me how it was going and I told her. She then asked if she could read it and so I sent her what I have written so far which is 5 chapters plus the preface, she read the preface and she loved it so much. I'm beyond happy that she's loves it, she's the first to see it outside of me that is, no one has had the pleasure to read it. I'm feeling really confidant with this story and I hope that it amounts to something once its all done; course I can't say that out loud because I'll be virtually hit by some of my friends hehe.
Anyways I logged in 1,323 words or around there. I'm slowly getting closer to the finale goal and I can't wait till I can say, "Yeah you did that but I wrote a whole 50 k word novel in one month." I really hope that my friend Laura's publishing house will help me to turn it into something that the world can read but I guess time will tell if its good enough or not.
Anyways I logged in 1,323 words or around there. I'm slowly getting closer to the finale goal and I can't wait till I can say, "Yeah you did that but I wrote a whole 50 k word novel in one month." I really hope that my friend Laura's publishing house will help me to turn it into something that the world can read but I guess time will tell if its good enough or not.
Friday, 9 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 8
So yesterday I logged in a little over 1,000 words but that's ok because I was finishing up May. I noticed that I've been forgetting to subtract what I had already written, so my chapters don't add up to the # on the page but its ok I'll go and fix it. I'm excited bout this story and I really hope that I can get it posted.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 7
So yesterday was better then the past couple of days. I logged in 3,000 words plus also I mostly figured out what I want the rest of the chapters to be. I also got told by my godmother that she's proud of me for writing my own novel and that she hopes that its gets published. She also told me that my other aunt and uncle are proud of me also which is saying something because not everyone in my family gets along with each other. I happy that it looks like I'll be keeping my promise to myself about writing a novel by the time that I'm 30, at least one of my dreams is coming true so far. I wonder if my other dreams will come true also.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 6
Yesterday I logged in at 1,712 words. Pretty good, have been having a couple of days where I don't feel like writing but I know that I have to. I need to figure out what's going to happen next, sometimes I wonder if I did wrong by doing a chapter for every month of the year. I know that in chapter 9 or 10 (Sept or Oct) Lizzy and Jackson will get married because I know for a fact that writing a wedding is one of my strong points, don't know how or why but it is and every time I have a wedding in my fan fics I get great reviews for it. I'm wondering if I should have Jackson turned into a vampire without have any problems so that he can live forever with Lizzy. I'll give it more thought and see if I like the idea or not.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 5
So yesterday was another not good day for writing. I only logged in 1,408, I think that it had something to do with the test that I took yesterday morning. Oh well here's hopping for better results. My friends are really great, they are all encouraging me and telling me that I'm going to make the 50,000 words and its a great boost of confidence for me.
Monday, 5 November 2012
NaNoWriMo- Day 4
So yesterday wasn't a good writing day. It took me so long to actually crack 1,000 words and its seems that I wasn't the only one because some of my friends were having trouble also. I did mange to finally get 2,037 words, which isn't that bad. I'm about 37,886 or somewhere around there words left to do before the deadline. Think I can make it? I don't know but time will tell.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Jackson Rathbone- Billy Badass
So last night, Jackson released his first solo single and I LOVE the song. Its called Billy Badass and he gave it to all his fans for free, all we had to do was tweet saying we were going to get it and to have other listen to it and it was ours. I've listen to its 12 times already since last night and today and now its on Youtube. I need to find it for my MP3 player also.
Can't wait to hear the rest of the album. Jackson's sound is country mixed with rockabilly mixed with rock and roll and something else that I can't remember right now LOL
Here's the vid...
Can't wait to hear the rest of the album. Jackson's sound is country mixed with rockabilly mixed with rock and roll and something else that I can't remember right now LOL
Here's the vid...
Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
This was one of the last stories that I posted before I started NaNo and its got a lot of people asking for more which I might do another chapter in Dec once I finish Cowboy Boots and Pink Tutus.
![]() |
Are You Afraid Of The Dark? |
NaNoWriMo- Day 3
Yesterday I logged in 3,418 words. I'm killing the daily total and super excited bout that fact. Thanks to my friend Amanda, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong on the word count. I'm supposed to add the total words from today to that of yesterday, now I wasn't doing that and I couldn't figure out what was going on when I saw everyone else with 8,000 words + and I was like WTF am I doing wrong. So Amanda walked me through it and I'm now on the right track.
My friends are all so supportive as is my mom and they are so happy for me. Which in turn makes me very happy as well. I can't wait to see what happens at the end of this month if I did it or not. Once the novel is done, I'll be sending it to my friend Laura's publishing house to see if it can be turned into a novel. That would be even more exciting if something I wrote gets turned into a novel that has nothing to do with fan fic
My friends are all so supportive as is my mom and they are so happy for me. Which in turn makes me very happy as well. I can't wait to see what happens at the end of this month if I did it or not. Once the novel is done, I'll be sending it to my friend Laura's publishing house to see if it can be turned into a novel. That would be even more exciting if something I wrote gets turned into a novel that has nothing to do with fan fic
Saturday, 3 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 2
So yesterday I logged in 4,007 words. Half of me is thinking "OMG I'm going to actually do this" while the other half is like "WTF did I let myself get talked into this? I can't do this." I guess that we will see in bout 27 days which side is right.
Friday, 2 November 2012
NaNoWriMo-Day 1
So yesterday was the first official day of NaNo. I did very well, I logged in at 3,231 words. I've got some good things planned out for the third chapter and I can't wait to start working on them. Still trying to figure out what sort of conflict I want to have in the book; can't all be sunshine and rainbows. I'm sure it will come to me soon.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Criminal Minds-His Favorite Profiler
So last night on Criminal Minds, was their Halloween episode, like they have every year. Now I thought the cutest episode was when Hotch's little boy Jake came out at the end of last years episode dressed as Hotch but I was wrong.
On last night's episode, JJ's boy Henry didn't want to go trick-or-treating at the opening of the show because he heard JJ and her hubby talking and he thinks that Halloween is when all the real monsters come out but the last minute of the show, JJ announced that he did want to go trick-or-treating because JJ told him that he can figure out who is real and who's not... a little profiler in the making.
JJ said that he didn't want to be any profiler, he wanted to be his favorite one, and he walked out and was dressed as a mini Reid. He was so stinking adorable and Reid had a huge smile on his face and was so proud of his Godson.
Here's the vid
On last night's episode, JJ's boy Henry didn't want to go trick-or-treating at the opening of the show because he heard JJ and her hubby talking and he thinks that Halloween is when all the real monsters come out but the last minute of the show, JJ announced that he did want to go trick-or-treating because JJ told him that he can figure out who is real and who's not... a little profiler in the making.
JJ said that he didn't want to be any profiler, he wanted to be his favorite one, and he walked out and was dressed as a mini Reid. He was so stinking adorable and Reid had a huge smile on his face and was so proud of his Godson.
Here's the vid
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