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Cryin' |
Everything from my stories both fan fiction and original, as well as pics, songs, rants and whatever else comes to mind that I want to post about.
Saturday, 30 March 2013
So I'm trying something new, I'm writing my first Edward story but it won't be Edward/Bella, its Edward/OC. Now you may be wondering, why Edward?, well the answer is, why not? I know I've had trouble writing him before but I think that was because I paired him with Bella, I think I can write this pretty well as long as its with an OC. I was listening to Hugh Jackman singing 'Cryin' and I thought it would be a great idea for a story and the next thing that I knew, Edward was there sitting on his Harley waiting for me to get on with writing him. I posted the fist chapter and I have Deebelle to take for the awesome banner, I really had her working on this one.
Medieval Times fun
So yesterday, aunt Betty, aunt Donna, uncle Mike, Amy, Jim, Monica and I all went to Medieval Times. It was the first time that I ever went there and omg the place is freaking amazing. We had to wait a bit for the doors to open but once they did things got moving, we were placed in the red&yellow knights section and after we gotten our crows we took a family pic with the king; the princess was already busy, we went into the next room and my mind was in complete overdrive.
It's so freaking amazing in there, I got to see the horses; though they were behind glass, and got to do some shopping as well. I bought this awesome goblet for $13, I had it delivered to the table once we got to go into the area; I got fruit punch slushy in the glass, then I bought a dragon necklace and in its claws its clutching a red heart. I then bought what I think is called a circlet, its red and there is a red jewel that sits in the middle of my head.
Monica went and got Amy's name on a list so that she could be knighted, it was a complete surprise to Amy and she kept saying that it wasn't her; we all pushed her towards the stage, Monica got some good pics and then Amy bought the pic that was taken; she was knighted because her b-day is on April 10th. Amy took my pic sitting in on a throne and then it was time to go in.
The match and the horse riding/tricks were simply amazing, the knights really work hard with their horses. Our knight won and Amy caught a pink carnation from him. We were dead center of the area, in the third row from the bottom. Once the show was over, I bought a mini sword; think it has a different name though, that had a dragon on it, then we all went into the dungeon; I was playing as if I was scared but it was actually a place that housed old time torture devices.
After we left the dungeon, I saw that the knights were out, so Amy said to find out knight; it wasn't that hard, I curtsied bowed to the green knight and then got my pic taken with the red&yellow knight after congratulation him on his win. I then took a pic with the king and I laughed at the king because he said, "Its great being the king, I get to be surrounded by beautiful woman." Amy and I were standing beside him when he said that.
While Amy and uncle Mike was looking at the horses, I bought a picture frame that had Medieval Times on it because Amy is going to crop the pics so that its just the king and I and the red& yellow knight and I then I'm going to put them together and put it in the frame. I also bought the family pic with the king and then had Amy take my pic in the princess's throne.
It was a great night and I had a blast. I'll add pics once I get them; Amy took a lot as did Monica.
It's so freaking amazing in there, I got to see the horses; though they were behind glass, and got to do some shopping as well. I bought this awesome goblet for $13, I had it delivered to the table once we got to go into the area; I got fruit punch slushy in the glass, then I bought a dragon necklace and in its claws its clutching a red heart. I then bought what I think is called a circlet, its red and there is a red jewel that sits in the middle of my head.
Monica went and got Amy's name on a list so that she could be knighted, it was a complete surprise to Amy and she kept saying that it wasn't her; we all pushed her towards the stage, Monica got some good pics and then Amy bought the pic that was taken; she was knighted because her b-day is on April 10th. Amy took my pic sitting in on a throne and then it was time to go in.
The match and the horse riding/tricks were simply amazing, the knights really work hard with their horses. Our knight won and Amy caught a pink carnation from him. We were dead center of the area, in the third row from the bottom. Once the show was over, I bought a mini sword; think it has a different name though, that had a dragon on it, then we all went into the dungeon; I was playing as if I was scared but it was actually a place that housed old time torture devices.
After we left the dungeon, I saw that the knights were out, so Amy said to find out knight; it wasn't that hard, I curtsied bowed to the green knight and then got my pic taken with the red&yellow knight after congratulation him on his win. I then took a pic with the king and I laughed at the king because he said, "Its great being the king, I get to be surrounded by beautiful woman." Amy and I were standing beside him when he said that.
While Amy and uncle Mike was looking at the horses, I bought a picture frame that had Medieval Times on it because Amy is going to crop the pics so that its just the king and I and the red& yellow knight and I then I'm going to put them together and put it in the frame. I also bought the family pic with the king and then had Amy take my pic in the princess's throne.
It was a great night and I had a blast. I'll add pics once I get them; Amy took a lot as did Monica.
me, uncle Mike, aunt Donna, the king, Amy, Monica, Jim and aunt Betty |
Thursday, 28 March 2013
The Rebel Soldier and A Thousand Years nominated
So 'The Rebel Soldier and his Little Lady' has been nominated in the Non-Canon Awards for the Judges Section. Its funny, I was on a rampage the other day because Erin and Ellie were nominated and Ellie created the damn thing and Erin is a judge, so of course I thought it was rigged but then I come on today and find out that I was nominated as well.
Its funny though, in the rules it says that the admins and judges can't be nominated yet we all are nominated, Ellie can't keep anything straight. I don't care though seeing as how I'm nominated. I probably won't win though but its hard to say seeing as how people are loving this story and the reviews are still climbing.
Just found out that 'A Thousand Years' has also been nominated in the judges section, best Jasper/Bella.
Pretty sure that either of these won't win seeing as how in the judges section its pretty much Ellie and Erin and I know for a fact that one of them will get all the votes; unless of course there is a tie between them, they'll get everyone to vote for them. Whatever, I don't give a flying fuck in hell weather I win or not; because I know I won't.
Its funny though, in the rules it says that the admins and judges can't be nominated yet we all are nominated, Ellie can't keep anything straight. I don't care though seeing as how I'm nominated. I probably won't win though but its hard to say seeing as how people are loving this story and the reviews are still climbing.
Just found out that 'A Thousand Years' has also been nominated in the judges section, best Jasper/Bella.
Pretty sure that either of these won't win seeing as how in the judges section its pretty much Ellie and Erin and I know for a fact that one of them will get all the votes; unless of course there is a tie between them, they'll get everyone to vote for them. Whatever, I don't give a flying fuck in hell weather I win or not; because I know I won't.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Update on my life.
Well its been three and a half weeks since mom died; boy does time fly, we are finally going to bury her on Fri after finding out that we need wills so that there will be no complaints from the others about mom being buried with the grandparents and then me forgetting to bring the wills to the meetings.
The apt is almost empty, just my room and the rest of mom's room to clean out as well as the locker. It hurts having to get rid of everything, so many bags and boxes have entered the garbage. Things are coming here but they are all outside in the backyard under tarps till summer because everyone is afraid that if we bring it in, they will get bed bugs here. I haven't painted my room yet; waiting for summer to do that.
Plans are being made for what they want me to do, of course I need to finish getting my high school diploma but there is also talks bout sending me to collage, me learning to drive and of course I'll have to get a job so I can continue paying rent and groceries.
I'm doing ok, still adjusting. There are types that I have deja vu as if I've been here before but I know that's crazy seeing as how I've never been to any of their houses. I spend my days with aunt Donna and we seem to be getting along but there have been times that we've almost come to blows because she thinks I'm too cheeky but what she doesn't realize that this is me, end of story. I was on her shit list on Sunday; her and uncle Mike was arguing over the garbage and recycling and then uncle Mike teased me telling me to take out the garbage which I didn't have any problems doing, well aunt Donna took it the wrong way and started a whole argument with uncle Mike. As uncle Mike was throwing out the garbage, I said to aunt Donna that he was only teasing me and she's all like, "whatever, I don't care." blah, blah, blah.
When uncle Mike came back in, he said, "I'm her uncle, I can tease her if I want." to which I agreed and that tipped her over the edge because she stormed out of the kitchen, slammed and locked the door that leads to the downstairs rooms and that was the last we saw of her till Amy came home. She was still bitch on Monday and blamed it on over working on Saturday.
I've recently became obsessed with Hugh Jackman and I'll I can say is, why in the hell did it take me this long to find this man. I so love him and he's too sexy for his own god damn good. I can't wait to get Les Mis on dvd and on Mon while I was out with Amy, I almost when on a Hugh Jackman dvd buying spree; its still odd to have money, I know it won't last; well not as much as I have now, I found 'Happy Feet' for $5 and I was going to get 'Rise of the Guardians' but it was $24 so I'm going to wait till it comes down in price. While we were at Best Buy, I found 'Wolverine' for $16 but Amy said that we could get it cheaper and I also found 'The Prestige' that was $10 but the only problem was that it was a blu ray and this dvd player in my room, is only for standard dvd's.
I can't tell you how many times I've watched 'Wolverine' as well as the other X-Men movies that he's in. In July, there will be a new 'Wolverine' coming out and next year, a new 'X-Men'. So can't wait to see them. Hugh is just a sexy bastard and I'm so happy because when I was going through my things, I found 2 mags that I have with him in it; which of course I kept. Today Amy put Les Mis on my eReader and I found a way to convert youtube vids to MP3s so I've got Hugh singing a couple of songs;love listening to him sing, on my eReader as well; so love the fact that I can listen to music at the same time that I'm reading. I can also add pics, which I've already done.
On the 29th of this month we are going to 'Medieval Times' which I'm excited about; its going to be me, Amy, uncle Mike, aunt Donna, aunt Betty, Jimmy and Monica, There is talk that Amy and I are going to do our hair to resemble the times and she is also going to give me a camera so I can take pics. Then tonight we finalized plans to go to a cottage for a week in Aug; which I haven't been to on, since the grandparents have been alive, I don't know how I'm going to leave Tiger for a week, I just pray that she will be alright.
The apt is almost empty, just my room and the rest of mom's room to clean out as well as the locker. It hurts having to get rid of everything, so many bags and boxes have entered the garbage. Things are coming here but they are all outside in the backyard under tarps till summer because everyone is afraid that if we bring it in, they will get bed bugs here. I haven't painted my room yet; waiting for summer to do that.
Plans are being made for what they want me to do, of course I need to finish getting my high school diploma but there is also talks bout sending me to collage, me learning to drive and of course I'll have to get a job so I can continue paying rent and groceries.
I'm doing ok, still adjusting. There are types that I have deja vu as if I've been here before but I know that's crazy seeing as how I've never been to any of their houses. I spend my days with aunt Donna and we seem to be getting along but there have been times that we've almost come to blows because she thinks I'm too cheeky but what she doesn't realize that this is me, end of story. I was on her shit list on Sunday; her and uncle Mike was arguing over the garbage and recycling and then uncle Mike teased me telling me to take out the garbage which I didn't have any problems doing, well aunt Donna took it the wrong way and started a whole argument with uncle Mike. As uncle Mike was throwing out the garbage, I said to aunt Donna that he was only teasing me and she's all like, "whatever, I don't care." blah, blah, blah.
When uncle Mike came back in, he said, "I'm her uncle, I can tease her if I want." to which I agreed and that tipped her over the edge because she stormed out of the kitchen, slammed and locked the door that leads to the downstairs rooms and that was the last we saw of her till Amy came home. She was still bitch on Monday and blamed it on over working on Saturday.
I've recently became obsessed with Hugh Jackman and I'll I can say is, why in the hell did it take me this long to find this man. I so love him and he's too sexy for his own god damn good. I can't wait to get Les Mis on dvd and on Mon while I was out with Amy, I almost when on a Hugh Jackman dvd buying spree; its still odd to have money, I know it won't last; well not as much as I have now, I found 'Happy Feet' for $5 and I was going to get 'Rise of the Guardians' but it was $24 so I'm going to wait till it comes down in price. While we were at Best Buy, I found 'Wolverine' for $16 but Amy said that we could get it cheaper and I also found 'The Prestige' that was $10 but the only problem was that it was a blu ray and this dvd player in my room, is only for standard dvd's.
I can't tell you how many times I've watched 'Wolverine' as well as the other X-Men movies that he's in. In July, there will be a new 'Wolverine' coming out and next year, a new 'X-Men'. So can't wait to see them. Hugh is just a sexy bastard and I'm so happy because when I was going through my things, I found 2 mags that I have with him in it; which of course I kept. Today Amy put Les Mis on my eReader and I found a way to convert youtube vids to MP3s so I've got Hugh singing a couple of songs;love listening to him sing, on my eReader as well; so love the fact that I can listen to music at the same time that I'm reading. I can also add pics, which I've already done.
On the 29th of this month we are going to 'Medieval Times' which I'm excited about; its going to be me, Amy, uncle Mike, aunt Donna, aunt Betty, Jimmy and Monica, There is talk that Amy and I are going to do our hair to resemble the times and she is also going to give me a camera so I can take pics. Then tonight we finalized plans to go to a cottage for a week in Aug; which I haven't been to on, since the grandparents have been alive, I don't know how I'm going to leave Tiger for a week, I just pray that she will be alright.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Wolverine Gifs
So as everyone knows, I love gifs and I LOVE Wolverine and thankfully, I get to pair both of my loves together.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
2 new stories.
So these stories were written before the 360 in my life and I'm now just getting to post them. The first is Twi, Jasper/Bella that was entered in 'The Heart of Country Contest' and of course I didn't win seeing as how my story was non-canon and all the winners were canon. I mean who in the hell can see Edward as a cowboy? The second story is VA, Rose/Dimitri that was entered in a Valentine's Day contest; don't know the winners because as the person running it said, "I'm very very busy and can't be on fb." well then why in the hell didn't you factor your busy life in before doing this contest.
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Smokey Bars and Pretty Girls |
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Dinner Date for Two |
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